• Two questions from the recent NMJL Bulletin apparently need clarification:

  • Question #8
  • When 2 players want the same discard, one player for an Exposure and another for Mah Jongg, Mah Jongg declarer always has preference, even if the caller for an Exposure has begun to expose tiles.

  • Question #10
  • Any tile within a grouping such as NEWS or tiles that represent a year, may be called only for Mah Jongg. They may never contain a Joker or be called for an exposure.

  • Q- During a Joker exchange, Player B erroneously put an 8 Crak onto Player A's rack during a Joker exchange. 
  • Player A noticed the error, before discarding, and replaced the incorrect 8 Crak with the proper tile - a 3 Crak.
  • Is this a legal move?

  • A- Player B can amend the error, as long as she has not discarded a tile.
  • Please be aware that a player should not place a Joker exchange on another player's rack.
  • The replacement tile should be handed to the player whose rack contains the Joker and that player makes the exchange and hands the Joker to the player who has requested the Joker exchange.

  • These are the sizes of the National Mah Jongg cards  
  • Standard 5.12 x 4"
  • Large 6.12 x 4.75"

  • Question:
  • I am a bit confused about what seems to be a contradiction in MJME. On page 25, 9(b) which says:
  • "If Bettor bets on a player who Mah Jonggs on a tile discarded by another player, only the discarder pays double the value of the hand. The declarer shares her winnings with the Bettor. Other players pay single value."

  • Doesn't the Bettor get paid the same value as the winner?

  • Answer:
  • If the Bettor bets on a player who Mah Jonggs on a tile discarded by another player, the winner and Bettor each receive double value from the discarder.
  • Both the winner and Bettor receive single value from other players.
  • If the winner picks their own Mah Jongg, double is paid by the other three people at the table, to both the declarer and to the Bettor.
  • Please note that the League recommends that all monies due are given to the declarer, in the event that one or more players may be Pie or short of the payment required.
  • The declarer now gives half of all they have collected to the Bettor.

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